Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Microdermabrasion is a truly all-round treatment

Skin issues effect people worldwide without exception. There are numerous types of skin conditions that can affect a person. Some can be related to exposure to the sun without any protection while others can be related with natural aging process.
In order to treat the various ailments, there are plenty of treatment options. A few of these options are able to correct multiple issues on their own. Microdermabrasion is a nonsurgical and minimally invasive treatment that is preferred by many doctors due to its extreme effectiveness.
Like other parts of the world, the treatment is in demand in the UAE as well. Skincare facilities like Laser Skin Care are offering the treatment in the port city of Dubai. We shall look into the treatment in a detailed manner in the following lines.
Principle of treatment
The treatment works at the principle of exfoliating the skin for the purpose of allowing healthier skin to replace it. The texture and the overall appearance of the skin can improve. It also improves the condition of the skin by improving the level of collagen present in it which makes the skin form and supple.
Since the treatment works non-surgically, it needs to be repeated multiple times to ensure that the required results are had. The exact number will vary on the condition being treated and the extent of that treatment.
How does it work?
The treatment works with the help of a handheld device that sprays tiny crystals on to it at a controlled rate to exfoliate it. The healing process starts immediately and the condition of the skin improves over a period of time. Some results can be seen soon after the treatment but final results are only visible after a few weeks as the level of collagen continues to improve over a period of time.
Which conditions can it treat?
Is it painful?
There is almost no pain with the treatment. In order to counter whatever little discomfort there is, topical anesthetics are applied prior to the start of the treatment to ensure that the patient remains at ease and free from any pain.
What are the side effects?
The side effects are quite mild in general. Redness and swelling in the treated area takes place which lasts from a few hours to a couple of days. Some itching too can take place. In order to feel comfortable, icepacks can be used. These issues should subside on their own.
Photosensitivity is also developed after the treatment and it is best to avoid the sun especially during the peak hours. Apply sunscreen when you leave for outdoors with a high SPF. Also wear a large floppy hat to further protect your skin from the ill effects of the UV rays.
Is there any downtime with the treatment?
There is no downtime whatsoever after Microdermabrasion in Dubai. The person who gets treated can get back to work soon after with necessary caution. Rest is recommended and can help in alleviating the side effects quicker. Those getting the treatment for the first time should take a day or two off to ensure that they are able to understand what to expect after the treatment is performed.

Friday, 18 December 2015

Fat melting treatments are ideal for a slimmer self

One of the issues that can really damage one’s personality is the presence of too much fat on the body. It is a pretty common issues especially in this day and age when lives are busy with little time for exercise and recreational activities and lots of junk food to eat. Long working hours sitting in front of the computer screens aren’t helping the bulging tummies either.
In order to maintain a good shape, exercise and diet control are a must. However, there are certain areas in the body where fat simply refuses to go from. In such cases, there are a number of Fat Melting Treatments that can be brought to use. The treatments are perfect for correcting localized fat deposits.
Like the rest of the world, fat melting treatments has a great demand in the UAE as well. Skincare facilities like Laser Skin Care are offering a wide range of treatments that can be helpful. Let’s take a closer look at this options.
The treatment uses medication that is injected into the mesoderm to improve the flow of blood to the region and melts the fat in the region that is being targeted for fat loss. It contains a number of FDA approved drugs, vitamins and minerals and antioxidants. The exact combination varies in each individual case based on their needs. A few Mesotherapy sessions are needed to achieve the intended outcome. 
Laser Liposuction             
Laser liposuction is another fantastic procedure for getting rid of excessive fat from the body. It works by melting fat and sucking out the fat with the help of a cannula that is inserted into the fatty area. A laser tipped cannula is then used to further melt the fat and build collagen levels at the same time to ensure that the skin remains supple and firm after the treatment.
Several liters of fat can be removed at a given time with the process that has very few side effects and very little downtime. It is perfect for removing fat from areas that are not easy to slim down with exercise and diet control.
Lipolysis works with the help of breaking down the fat that can be removed through excretion. The medication is injected which starts working on melting fats that are later excreted from the body. More than a single treatment is required in order to ensure that fat is removed from the intended areas. Each session lasts for only a few minutes and does not cause any serious side effects or downtime.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Which is the best Rosacea Treatment?

There are numerous skin conditions that can affect a person at various stages of life. While some are very common and can be treated easily, there are some that are not fully understood by the masses and therefore getting them treated right away is a problem. Rosacea is one such issues that is often overlooked as acne.
It has different types which can all be very annoying and painful. A person can suffer from more than a single type at a given time. Dubai Laser Treatment  is quite effective for some types of Rosacea that are more common. In the United Arab Emirates, many people are seeking laser treatment for Rosacea. Skincare facilities like Laser Skin Care are offering the state of the art Rosacea Treatment in Dubai. We shall learn a little bit more in the following lines about Rosacea and how it can be treated.
Types of rosacea
There are some variations in Rosacea that are found. The typical form is that characterized by redness and flushing on the face and is known as Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea. Tiny blood vessels become apparent in this type and burning and stinging feeling is often experienced.
Papulopustular Rosacea is another common type which is characterized appearance of pimples, bumps and flakes on the skin. At times, it is misdiagnosed or simply ignored as acne.
In Phymatous Rosacea, the nose becomes enlarged and can take a bulbous shape. The enlargement is quite evident to the naked eye. There may be occurrence of irregular bumps on the other areas of the face as well in this condition.
Ocular Rosacea can be quite painful since there can be some problems for the eyes which become watery and may have lots of stinging and irritation in them. The eyelids can swell and the eyes can become red as a result
Effectiveness of laser treatment
The laser treatment is quite effective in case of pustules and redness on the face. It can also take care of flushing and swelling on the face. The treatment is not ideal for treating eye trouble and the bulbous nose. In order to treat these variations, consult your doctor to learn more about available options.
How is laser treatment done?
The treatment is quite simple. A handheld device uses laser in order to shrink and breakdown the blood vessels that are causing the problem. The vessels absorb the laser energy and provide relief to the person. As they breakdown, the vessels are easily removed by the body. The condition can improve visibly as the treatment is completed.
Is it painful?
The treatment is not very painful and sensation similar to the snapping of a light rubber band against the skin can be felt. However, this can be overcome by applying topical anesthetics prior to the start of the treatment.
How many sessions are needed?
The treatment does not bring about all the results in a single session. Each time, though, a marked improvement can be observed after the treatment. The exact number of sessions can be determined by your treatment provider keeping all the important aspect in mind.
Side effects
The side effects from the treatment are generally light. These include redness and swelling in the treated area. Tenderness to touch can also be developed after the treatment. These side effects mostly last for a couple of days.
There is mostly no downtime after the treatment. Some rest is not a bad idea but not a must. Do check with your doctor to be sure if any special precautions need to be exercised once the treatment has been performed.